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Terminology in the digital age
Information processing applications are increasingly based on terminology resources that must be made available in digital form. This requires that terms and concepts are represented in computer-friendly formats, taking into account the relevant norms and standards. Such a representation is based on specific methods and software environments, which requires terminology work to be adapted accordingly.
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities of digital technology for terminology.
  • Master methods and IT tools for the construction of terminologies.
  • Master the exchange formats and representation standards.
  • Know how to construct multilingual terminology in a digital format by following a methodological approach.
Target audience
Terminologists, translators, technical writers, anyone wishing to acquire the minimum competencies needed for the construction of terminologies in a format that allows them to be exchanged and processed electronically.
  • Digital Applications of Terminology: – Thesaurus, Terminology Resources, Semantic Web. – Consequences for terminology work.
  • Standards and exchange formats: – ISO standards. – W3C standards (semantic web).
  • IT methods and environments for the conceptual dimension: – CmapTools, Protégé, Tedi.
  • IT methods and environments for the linguistic dimension: – IATE and other databases. FranceTerme, Neoloteca, TERMIUM Plus. – Terminology in Institutional Environments.
  • Example of a step-by-step construction of a digital terminology: – Lexonomy.

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